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I think every woman should have a blowtorch”

                -Julia Child

Home of Retro Recipes

Applesauce Sweet Potatoes

Bacon Rice

Baked Stuffed Tomatoes

Boiled Lima Beans

Boston Baked Beans

Brown Butter Parsnips

Brown Rice with Cheese

Browned Butter Hominy

Brussels Sprouts in Savory Sauce

Caramel Sweet Potato Mash

Carrot Mold

Cauliflower Duchess  

Celery Custard

Corn Souffle

Creamed Chestnuts

Creamed Corn Macaroni with Bacon

Creamed Parsnips

Creamed Potato with Egg

Creamed Radishes

Creamed Spinach

Creole Celery

Creole Rice

Curry Rice

Delmonico Potatoes

Deviled Rice Croquettes

Duchess Potatoes

Fluffy Potato Cups

Fried Onions with Apple

Fried Parsnips

Gourmet Spinach

Green Rice Casserole

Harvard Beets

Hominy Grits

Leeks Au Gratin

Lima Beans in Sour Cream

Macaroni and Cheese

Olive Creamed Potatoes

Parsley Potatoes

Parsley Puffs

Pea Casserole with Carrot Sauce

Pennsylvania Dutch Spinach

Pepper and Corn Scallop

Potato and Onion Pie

Romanian Potato Cake

Savory Potato Balls

Scalloped Cabbage

Scalloped Cauliflower

Scalloped Kale

Scalloped Potatoes

Spanish Rice

Spiced Prunes

String Beans in Cream Sauce

Stuffed Baked Potatoes

Stuffed Eggplant

Stuffed Green Peppers

Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage

Sweet Potato Croquettes

Sweet Potatoes with Apples

Turnip Fluff

Vegetable Souffle

Zucchini Parmesan

Anchovy Sauce

Barbecue Sauce

Basic Pan Gravy

Brown Sauce  

Caper Sauce

Cider Sauce

Cranberry Sauce

Mornay Sauce

Mustard Sauce

Orange Sauce

Quick Barbecue Sauce

Raisin Sauce

Tartar Sauce

Velouté Sauce

White Sauce

Wine Sauce